Ondamed has an ingenious design derived from decades of careful research from around the world. I particularly like the gentle way the stimuli are applied, as many other devices introduce far more energy into the body than is needed for diagnosis and treatment. Research has shown that the human body actually responds better to small signals than strong ones.
— James L. Oschman, Ph.D Professor, Author-Energy Medicine

Our bodies are filled with electricity!

Our health depends on how well we can create energy and how well energy flows throughout the body! Electrical signals are how our brain and nerves send messages throughout the body and how the heart beats.  Each cell in the body has its own electrical field (created by ions - atoms with charges on them like sodium, potassium, calcium- aka- electrolytes ). These charges allow essential substances to enter and leave the cell (ex. nutrients in and waste products out ) Electricity is how cells communicate with one other.

When electricity flows, magnetic fields are created- this is called electromagnetic energy.  The ideal electromagnetic frequencies in our body, are ones that are in harmony with those that the earth naturally gives off and surround us.

When there is an injury or illness, the energetics of the body shift. This can lead to a progressive miscommunication within the body and result in chronic pain, fatigue, poor healing, degeneration, toxic accumulation, hormonal abnormalities, poor metabolism, sleep disturbances, lymphatic and circulation blockage, poor nutrient utilization, accelerated aging, and a myriad of conditions.

This is where PEMF Therapy comes in!

PEMF therapy  (Pulsed electromagnetic therapy) is one of the safest and non-invasive methods of helping to restore the body to a more effective state of health.

It involves the application of pulsing magnetic fields at specific frequencies and intensities to stimulate the body's cells and tissues.

The idea behind PEMF therapy is that externally generated  electromagnetic fields can interact with the body's own electromagnetic field, by gently encouraging and essentially “resetting” to the frequencies the body needs to work most effectively.

PEMF therapy has been used for many years as a therapy for bone healing and depression, but is now recognized as an effective adjunctive therapy for many conditions. Among its range of benefits, it’s known to help circulation, wound healing, bone growth, bone density, immunity,  stressful states, sleep quality, pain and injury recovery, inflammation reduction, lyme disease recovery, and even smoking cessation.

What is Ondamed?
The Ondamed (Onda- meaning ‘wave’ ) PEMF device has been used successfully for many years in Europe and more recently in the United States, for many conditions.

It’s benefits are its gentleness, the variety of applicators for strategic placement and effect, and most importantly, the  range of the many frequencies and therapeutic combinations that it has the capability to provide, for personalized treatment.

What is an Ondamed  PEMF Therapy Session Like?

You’ll be sitting in a comfortable chair with applicators placed in various locations, as determined by the therapist. Its relaxing and painless, and the gentle pulses are barely felt. The therapist will be using feedback from your pulse to guide the placement and programs best suited for your body.

Thousands of  studies, including 2,500 placebo-controlled, double-blind studies have proven the applicability and efficacy of PEMF using low frequency, low intensity, pulsed electromagnetic fields for human health and wellbeing.

The Earth projects a natural Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) that stimulates cell repair and overall health in all lifeforms. Studies have shown that the PEMF given off by the Earth is equally as important to human health as food, water, sleep, and sunlight.  When exposure to it is compromised (this can be for various reasons including by interference from the many electrical devices and power lines we are surrounded) , its harder for the body to perform and recover efficiently.

PEMF therapy can help the body receive the appropriate signals it needs. Pulsed Electromagnetic Field devices are being used by NASA to maintain the health of astronauts in orbit, where they lose this exposure. In fact, much of the research on the regenerative benefits of PEMF comes from NASA.